Rabu, 6 Julai 2011

12 di teluk datok - Google Blog Search

12 di teluk datok - Google Blog Search

SMK <b>Telok Datok</b> Banting Selangor Malaysia Kunjungi SMAN 1 Sibolangit «

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 02:47 PM PDT

Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar Tingkatan Enam Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Telok Datok Banting (Tedi SMKTD) Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad Banting Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia, Kamis (2/5) siang mengunjungi SMA Negeri I Sibolangit Kabupaten Deli Serdang,.Kedatangan rombongan dipimpin Kepala (Pengetua sekolah) Tn Hj Abdul Wahid bin Takat mengadakan lawatan belajar, setelah sebelumnya mengadakan lawatan ke Medan, Prapat dan Berastagi sekaligus mengadakan kajian belajar.Rombongan disambut Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Sibolangit Drs. Jhoni Siregar bersama 25 guru dan 25 pelajar di pendopo sekolah itu.Roseman Bina Abdul Rahman selaku Kepala unit Bahasa Tingkatan Enam SMK Telok Datok Banting selaku pengelola lawatan belajar ke Sumatera Utara mengucapkan terimakasih atas sambutan, bahkan menyatakan sangat senang atas penerimaan rombongan.Lebih membesarkan hati, kata Roseman, kedua sekolah yang serumpun itu sama-sama komitmen menggelar program "Go Green" menanam pohon herbal di komplek SMA Negeri 1 Sibolangit sebagai lambang persahabatan kedua sekolah Malaysia-Indonesia, kata Roseman."Kami sumbangkan RM 500 guna membantu keperluan SMA Negeri 1 Sibolangit guna menjayakan program "Go Green", kata Roseman.Tn.Hj.Abdul Wahid Bin Takat selaku Pengetua Cemerlang Menengah Kebangsaan SMK Telok Datok Banting menyatakan rasa gembira karena berjumpa dengan sahabat serumpun, hingga lawatan ini dapat menjadi tali persahabatan di kemudian hari.Ia berharap, agar guru dan pelajar SMA Negeri 1 Sibolangit dapat berkunjung (melawat) ke Selangor Malaysia.Seorang guru Selangor menyampaikan keberhasilan lawatannya ke Indonesia, antaralain, peranan ketua komite sekolah cukup baik sekali dan pihak Kerajaan Malaysia termasuk pendana (donatur) seperti pengusaha tetap menanti permintaan kebutuhan sekolah. Prestasi para guru di Malaysia maupun pelajar, tetap diperhatikan pihak Kerajaan.Ketua Komite SMA Negeri 1 Sibolangit Drs.Djamin Gintings merasa bangga, selanjutnya dikatakan masalah peran komite di sekolah ini cukup baik, tetapi tersandung dengan pendapatan perkapita para orangtua pelajar, hingga komite tidak begitu banyak bisa berbuat dalam membantu penyelenggaraan pendidikan, katanya.Dalam kesempatan itu dilakukan penyerahan cinderamata dari Tn. Hj.Abdul Wahib Biun Takat kepada Drs. Jhoini Siregar dan sebaliknya, dilanjutkan penanaman pohon herbal.Penanaman pertama dilakukan Tn.Hj.Abdul Wahid Bin Takat bersama-sama Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Sibolangit, kemudian Ketua MPP SMK Telok Datok Banting Siti Aishah bersama-sama Ketua Osis SMA Negeri 1 Sibolangit Syahrizal serta Ketua Komite SMA Negeri 1 Sibolangit Drs. Djamin Gintings bersama-sama denganKamarudin Bin Osman selaku Pan.Kanan Tingkatan Enam Sek Men Telok Datok 42700 Banting Selangor Malaysia, diakhiri peninjauan lokasi sekolah SMA Negeri 1 Sibolangit dipandu Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Sibolangit diikuti seluruh rombongan.
Guru SMK Telok Datok Banting yang berkunjung, En Rosemen Bina Abdul Rahman, Tn.Hj.Kamarudin Bin Osman, Tn.Hj.Abdul Wahid Bin Takat,Pn.Hjh.Masliza Binti Sirat, Pn.Haliza Bin Husesin, Pn.Zaliha Binti Atan, Cik Rafiah Binti Mohd. Taib, Cik Siti Fatimah Binti Abdul, Pn.Hjh.Suzaini Binti Sihar, Pn Hjh.Siti Mariah Binti Radiyo.

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12 di kuala selangor - Google Blog Search

12 di kuala selangor - Google Blog Search

highway baru <b>di</b> selangor, Kuala Lumpur-<b>Kuala Selangor</b> (LATAR <b>...</b>

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 06:28 AM PDT

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Dari Abu Sa'id AlKhudri ra menceritakan bahawa Rasulullah saw telah bersabda : Jika seseorang itu melakukan amalan didalam satu batu besar yang tidak berpintu dan tidak mempunyai lubangpun, maka amalan itu akan zahir juga pada orang ramai sama ada amalan itu baik ataupun buruk. ( HR Baihaqi )

Hadis Ma'qil bin Yasar r.a: Diriwayatkan daripada Hasan r.a katanya: Aku pernah mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Sesiapa yang ditaklifkan oleh Allah untuk memimpin rakyatnya lalu mati dalam keadaan menipu rakyat, nescaya Allah mengharamkan ke atasnya Syurga.

Diriwayatkan daripada Huzaifah r.a katanya: Saidina Umar r.a pernah bertanya aku ketika aku bersamanya. Katanya: Siapakah di antara kamu yang pernah mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w meriwayatkan tentang fitnah? Para Sahabat menjawab: Kami pernah mendengarnya. Saidina Umar bertanya: Apakah kamu bermaksud fitnah seorang lelaki bersama keluarga dan jiran tetangganya? Mereka menjawab: Ya, benar. Saidina Umar berkata: Fitnah tersebut boleh dihapuskan oleh sembahyang, puasa dan zakat. Tetapi, siapakah di antara kamu yang pernah mendengar Nabi s.a.w bersabda tentang fitnah yang bergelombang sebagaimana lautan bergelombang? Huzaifah berkata: Para Sahabat terdiam. Kemudian Hudzaifah berkata: Aku, wahai Umar! Saidina Umar berkata: Engkau. Lantas Saidina Umar memuji dengan berkata ayahmu adalah milik Allah. Huzaifah berkata: Aku dengar Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Fitnah akan melekat di hati manusia bagaikan tikar yang dianyam secara tegak-menegak antara satu sama lain. Mana-mana hati yang dihinggapi oleh fitnah, nescaya akan terlekat padanya bintik-bintik hitam. Begitu juga mana-mana hati yang tidak dihinggapinya, akan terlekat padanya bintik-bintik putih sehinggalah hati tersebut terbahagi dua: Sebahagiannya menjadi putih bagaikan batu licin yang tidak lagi terkena bahaya fitnah, selama langit dan bumi masih ada. Manakala sebahagian yang lain menjadi hitam keabu-abuan seperti bekas tembaga berkarat, tidak menyuruh kebaikan dan tidak pula melarang kemungkaran, segala-galanya adalah mengikut keinginan.

Hadis 4
Diriwayatkan daripada Jundab r.a katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Terdapat seorang lelaki dari kalangan umat sebelum kamu dijangkiti bisul. Ketika bisul itu membuatnya sakit, dia mencabut panah dari bekasnya lalu membedah bisul tersebut menyebabkan darah tidak berhenti mengalir sehingga lelaki tersebut mati. Allah berfirman: Aku mengharamkan Syurga ke atasnya

Hadis 5
Bab : 2. IMAN

Hadis Sahl bin Saad r.a: Diriwayatkan daripada Abu Hazim daripada Sahl bin Saad r.a katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda: Tujuh-puluh ribu orang atau tujuh ratus ribu. Abu Hazim tidak tahu dengan tepat orang yang akan memasuki Syurga dari umat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Sahl bin Saad menceritakan lagi bahawa mereka masuk ke Syurga dalam keadaan berpegangan antara satu sama lain. Orang yang pertama tidak akan masuk sehingga orang yang terakhir dari mereka memasukinya. Wajah mereka diibaratkan seperti bulan purnama.

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12 di bukit lanjan - Google Blog Search

12 di bukit lanjan - Google Blog Search

Water deal makes Malaysians RM6.5b Poorer | Elizabeth Wong for <b>...</b>

Posted: 04 Jul 2011 09:05 AM PDT

by Tricia Yeoh

A new chapter unfolded in the long-drawn out Selangor water saga this week. Acqua SPV, a Special-Purpose Vehicle set up under the Federal Government body PAAB (Pengurusan Aset Air Berhad), announced its plans to acquire 100 percent of Selangor water bonds. The total outstanding bonds come up to RM6.5 billion.

This basically means that the Federal Government is using tax-payers' money to settle the debts that water concessionaires owe to their bondholders.

How did things get so complicated? Well, if readers recall, sometime in November 2010, the Selangor government and its supporters marched under the stark KL heat to present a memorandum to the Agong, which called for the deprivatisation of lucrative water concessions that benefit cronies. Teargas and water cannons were freely used, but this should not have come as a surprise.

The story thus far is this: As part of a national water restructuring exercise, all states are supposed to sell their water assets back to PAAB temporarily until they are financially secure enough to inject their own capital expenditure.

Two Acts were passed in this regard, the Water Services Industry Act 2006 and the Water Services Commission Act 2006. This was done on the understanding that the water industry would be eventually renationalised, as they were before.

All fine and dandy, except that Selangor has the most complex of situations, having the most number of private companies: Abass, Puncak Niaga, Splash and Syabas, the latter having a monopoly over water distribution.

Water talks were protracted over more than two years, during which time all offers by Selangor were in one way or other turned down by the companies mainly because they were not considered high enough.

Bondholders Storm

And in the midst of all this, another storm was brewing. When the water companies began operations, they sold RM9.02 billion worth of bonds to fund their startup activities under seven different bond programmes. These bonds were purchased by a large number of banks and financial institutions, including the likes of Great Eastern Life Assurance (M) Bhd, CIMB Group Holdings Bhd and the Employees Provident Fund (EPF).

When water negotiations seemed endless with no conclusion in sight, a few things happened: rating agencies downgraded these bonds impacting their values, and the issuing water companies were unable to service the bonds that would be maturing. The reason for the ill financial health of these companies was simple.

Syabas buys treated water from treatment companies Abass and Splash, and in turn sells it to customers: you and me. Syabas was not paying what was fully due to these two companies, thereby affecting their cashflow. They in turn pointed their fingers at the Selangor government for not allowing them to increase tariff rates that they claim are part of the concession agreement. Selangor disagrees, saying certain conditions were not fulfilled. The case has been brought to court and is ongoing.

The bondholders, of course, are not necessarily concerned with the minute details. As far as they are concerned, they purchased bonds which they felt were in a secure and stable industry. Nothing is more safe than a utilities sector, after all, or so they thought.

Buying Back Bonds

Fast-forward to last week. Because the water restructuring has not yet concluded, the Federal Government decided that it would soothe the nerves of these bondholders. It is understandable that they would want commensurate return on their investments, in principle.

However, the onus lies equally on the investing partner to investigate the health of the company's bonds. In this case, clearly the companies were not in the best conditions to begin with.

The move of the Federal Government in swooping down to buy over the outstanding bonds essentially means that all responsibility of the companies to their creditors is completely absolved. With their debts resolved absolutely, what incentive have they to proceed with water talks with the Selangor – or any other – government?

The argument given by the government is that any default of these bonds would result in cross-default in other bonds, leading to a "systemic meltdown of the Malaysian capital markets and erode investors' confidence locally and internationally".
I may not be an investment banker, but is the government not rewarding investors for choosing their portfolios foolishly? Worse, the burden is carried by the tax-payers nationwide, not only in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.

In fact, it was stated explicitly that a bond default would impact PAAB's and the federal government's ability to raise funds for existing and future infrastructure projects at competitive pricing. It is a rather large leap to take here. Think "Mega Project 101", and the likes of "MRT".

Privatising Profits, Socialising Losses

What we are hearing is essentially that government is willing to sweep under the carpet bad debts for the sake of creating potentially devastating situations in the future, when or if there are further defaults on even larger-scale infrastructure projects under the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP).

This comes at a time when the same Minister (of Energy, Green Technology, and Water) just announced an electricity tariff increase which will impact upon all consumers intrinsically. This is an additional burden placed upon Malaysians, whilst in the meantime our friendly neighbourhood financial institutions recoup their funds easily. This is a classic case of the government privatising profits and socialising losses.

Finally, this is a sordid state of affairs because not only is this move considered a distinct bailout of the water companies, it does not even resolve the more urgent issue at hand: the water restructuring itself. The Association of Water and Energy Research Malaysia (AWER) said in a statement that first, the entire problem is passed straight to the people and businesses to pay off, and second, PAAB is "just saving the bondholders without relinquishing the stakes of affected concession agreement holders".

This is a dark day for us in Selangor and beyond, and it is a sign that the Federal Government is not serious about pushing the private concession companies all the way to comply with the WSIA's holistic and renationalised model. This is a temporary measure that is clearly biased towards one party – not us taxpayers, for sure.

Article from www.triciayeoh.com

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12 di sungai tenggi - Google Blog Search

12 di sungai tenggi - Google Blog Search

Kerajaan Selangor Tumpu Isu Pemberimilikan Tanah Kepada Rakyat <b>...</b>

Posted: 01 Jul 2011 06:42 PM PDT

2 JULAI HULU SELANGOR - Kerajaan Negeri akan memberi tumpuan kepada isu penyelesaian tanah dengan memberi pemilikan sah khususnya kepada penduduk yang telah lama menduduki tanah kerajaaan.

Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, berkata pemberian tanah kepada mereka yang layak ini akan lebih mudah dilakukan dengan siapnya Land Bank Library yang dijangka siap sepenuhnya akhir tahun ini.

Beliau berkata, pegawai kerajaan telah diarahkan supaya tidak hanya duduk di pejabat sebaliknya turun padang menemui penduduk yang berdepan masalah tanah.

"Pegawai kerajaan hanya perlu merujuk kepada Land Bank Library untuk mengetahui status tanah yang dituntut. Ini menjimatkan masa dan penyelesaian yang lebih holistik.

"Jika Land Bank Library ini siap sepenuhnya, Selangor menjadi negeri pertama yang menggunakan sistem elektronik dan satelit sepenuhnya dalam penyelesaian isu tanah," kata Menteri Besar.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika menyampaikan ucapan kepada kakitangan kerajaan negeri dan pemimpin masyarakat di Dewan Serbaguna Pejabat Daerah Hulu Selangor sempena Program Khas Mesra Rakyat (PKMR) peringkat Daerah Hulu Selangor, semalam.

Tan Sri Abdul Khalid berkata, isu tanah merupakan antara masalah kritikal yang telah lama dihadapi rakyat Selangor yang gagal diselesaikan kerajaan negeri terdahulu.

Beliau memberi contoh isu Kampung Sungai Kerandang yang menjadi kontroversi baru-baru ini, tetapi telah berjaya diselesaikan oleh kerajaan negeri dengan memberi Sijil Menduduki Sementara (TOL) hanya kepada peneroka asal yang mendiami tanah milik kerajaan dan rezab Hutan Simpan.

Mengenai bantuan kebajikan lain, Menteri Besar berkata, RM100 juta disediakan Menteri Besar Pemerbadanan (MBI) untuk tahun depan bagi mengeluarkan rakyat berpendapatan rendah dari garis kemiskinan.

Katanya, sebanyak RM30 juta diperuntukkan untuk bantuan keusahawanan manakala RM50 juta untuk Skim Mikrokredit Luar Bandar (SKIMSEL) dan RM20 juta untuk Skim Mikrokredit Bandar (MIMBAR).

Beliau berkata, peruntukan ini adalah hasil penyusunan semula hutang-hutang Talam Corporation Berhad (Talam) sebanyak RM392 juta yang telah berjaya dikutip.

Sementara itu, di Dewan Dato' Abd Hamid Batang Kali, lebih 3,000 penduduk Hulu Selangor menghadiri sesi dialog bersama Menteri Besar.

Kebanyakan penduduk membangkitkan isu tanah dan kemudahan infrastruktur yang tidak diselenggara dengan baik.

Menteri Besar berkata, peruntukkan besar akan disediakan dalam Bajet 2012 untuk membaiki kemudahan infrastruktur khususnya di kawasan luar bandar.

Pada sebelah malamnya, Menteri Besar menghadiri Kenduri Rakyat di Dataran Niaga Sungai Tengi dan diakhiri dengan Ceramah Perdana Pencapaian Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di Dewan Komuniti Serendah.

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12 di dengkil - Google Blog Search

12 di dengkil - Google Blog Search

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Posted: 20 Jun 2011 12:00 AM PDT

Posts: 1
Joined: Feb 2011
Reputation: 0


Rumah untuk di jual di Dengkil.
Corner Lot
RM 220,000 Nego

No 32 Jalan Kenanga 7
Taman Dengkil Jaya,

email: anhoney87@gmail.com
SmileBig Grin

(This post was last modified: 06-15-2011 02:37 AM by esiah.)
03-26-2011 11:35 AM
Posts: 1
Joined: Jun 2011
Reputation: 0

salam, single or double storey?

06-20-2011 04:00 PM

12 di ulu kelang - Google Blog Search

12 di ulu kelang - Google Blog Search

.....mY L!fE mY jOUrnEy....: Show <b>Di</b> JKR Melawati <b>Ulu Kelang</b> KL

Posted: 04 Jul 2011 10:50 PM PDT


Alhamdullilah pada 26 June 2011 dapat show wedding untuk penari kecik2 je ...boleh la tp mmg best...

Tq pada Kak Nora sudi jemput kami any way kak jangan serik tau untuk panggil kami lagi... 

 Feedback dari kak Nora : dia kata good ,welldone & commitment ..hehehe :)
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12 di paya jaras - Google Blog Search

12 di paya jaras - Google Blog Search


Posted: 05 Jul 2011 05:26 PM PDT

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Pusat ini beroperasi sebagai perantara di antara rakyat dan agensi kerajaan bagi menyalurkan semua bentuk keperluan dan suara rakyat kepada pihak yang bertanggungjawab. Semoga kewujudan pusat ini akan memberi sinar baru kepada harapan ...

12 di shah alam - Google Blog Search

12 di shah alam - Google Blog Search

Sekinchan Ikan Bakar akan dibuka <b>di Shah Alam</b> ?? | || Dear Diary ||

Posted: 26 May 2011 07:13 PM PDT

Aku kalo bab kedai-kedai makan yang bakal dibuka kat Shah Alam ni, pantas ajer kan :p Ni terbaru yang aku nampak kat area Seksyen 7 tu..Sekinchan Ikan Bakar. Dah la tak silap aku bulan lepas baca kat paper pasal Sekinchan Ikan Bakar ni dan aku dan hubby berharap diorang buka cawangan kat sini :p Sekali melompat aku dalam kereta tengok kedai ini bakal dibuka. Tapi tak tahu la bila beroperasinya. Signage kedai dah naik..Tinggal rasmi jer kot. So aku rasmi kat blog dulu yer tuan kedai..hehehe

Ni hah kedai dia..Gigih aku amik dari depan kedai sambil memandu :p 

Kasi zoom sket..Akan Dibuka :p

Korang pernah makan kat Sekinchan Ikan Bakar di cawangan lain ??? Macam mana food review nya? Sedap tak ? Berapa bintang boleh kasi ?

Nanti bila aku dah terjah kedai ni, aku review yer :) Bertemu lagi di episod jalan-jalan cari makan elissmie yang lain :p

Miliki hadiah menarik sekarang - limited edition SHELL Ferrari car collection dengan bawa kereta anda ke Tip Top Auto Spa.. Full Feed Generated by Get Full RSS, sponsored by USA Best Price.

12 di hulu selangor - Google Blog Search

12 di hulu selangor - Google Blog Search


Posted: 09 May 2011 08:23 PM PDT

Hampir 40 keluarga miskin di kampung

sungai kerandang Hulu Selangor

menjadi mangsa"kebajikan" kerajaan negeri

apabila rumah mereka dirobohkan oleh kerajaan negeri...

40 Keluarga bukan sikit...

mana otak Kerajaan Negeri???

Mana Exco melayu dalam kerajaan negeri??

Yang pegang selangor Melayu/islam atau Cina/Kristus??

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12 di bandar sunway - Google Blog Search

12 di bandar sunway - Google Blog Search

My Affection: Clinique Star Tour 2011

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 12:55 AM PDT

Clinique Star Tour is back again! If you missed out last year's, no worries! Grab the chance and join this year's Clinique Star Tour! And......you could be the lucky winner to grace the cover of CLEO Magazine!

In partnership with CLEO, Malaysia's leading English magazine for the young, Clinique's one-of-a-kind  "Mobile Makeover Studio" will travel across the city, providing young women with the opportunity to learn more of their skin concerns, experience makeup application and hair styling by a team of skilled experts as well as have their photo taken by a photographer expert typically reserved for supermodels and celebrities.

The mobile truck of Clinique Star Tour 2011 was a custom built 3-tonne truck designed to house comfortably 8 makeup and hair stations with a mini-studio. The event will be engaging young and aspiring women aged 15-25. Clinique will offer participants YOU with STAR TREATMENT experience which is fun and relevant to you!

How to WIN?

When the tour end in August, photos will be posted on the website where 25 finalist will be shortlisted for VOTING. Clinique and Cleo experts will then pick the lucky winner from the pre-selected contestants. Lucky person who guessed the correct 3 winners will win a SAMSUNG NOTEBOOK worth RM3299

CLEO Cover Girl Wanna Be

~Winner will receives a head-to-toe makeover styled by Cleo for the cover shoot & RM5000 worth of Clinique products.

~2 runner-ups each will receive one page write-up in Cleo & RM3000 of Clinique products. 

~All 3 will have a one-on-one session with their chosen career role models.

So, top 3 winners will be featured in CLEO magazine and only ONE winner will be on the cover page of CLEO magazine (November issue).

How to participate?

Purchase Start Tour 2011 voucher at RM35 and receive:
1. Clinique 3-Step Skin Analysis & Prepping
2. Makeup by Clinique Makeup Experts
3. Hair-Styled by Miko Galere
4. Fashion photograph
5. Door gift worth RM130
6. Lucky draw at every location comprising handphones and cameras by Samsung, treatment vouchers from Miko Galere and Clinique fragrance.

Catch Clinique Star Tour 2011 at:

2 July – Sunway Pyramid, Bandar Sunway, PJ
3 July – Sunway Pyramid, Bandar Sunway, PJ
4 July – Inti University College, Nilai
5 July – Nilai University College, Nilai
6 July – HELP University College, Pusat Bandar Damansara, KL
9 July – Mid Valley Megamall, KL
10 July – Mid Valley Megamall, KL
14 July – PTPL College, Shah Alam
18 July – Segi University College, Kota Damansara, PJ
19 July – Tunku Abdul Rahman (TAR) College, Setapak, KL
20 July – Taylor's College, Subang Jaya
23 July – Pavilion, KL
24 July – Pavilion, KL
25 July – Multimedia University (MMU), Melaka
27 July – Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Kampar, Perak
28 July – Tunku Abdul Rahman (TAR) College, Kampar, Perak
30 July – Queensbay Mall, Penang
31 July – Gurney Plaza, Penang
1 August – Tunku Abdul Rahman (TAR) College, Penang
3 August – Taylor's University, Lakeside Campus, Subang Jaya

Join Clinique Star Tour 2011 now and enjoy being treated like a star! You can catch the tour at malls or colleges/universities referring to the tour itinerary!

Click HERE for more information!
LIKE Clinique Malaysia fan page & stay tune for more updates!

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12 di petaling jaya - Google Blog Search

12 di petaling jaya - Google Blog Search

Jawatan Kosong Mary Kay (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd – <b>Petaling Jaya</b>

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 09:39 PM PDT


Jawatan Kosong di Mary Kay (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd – Petaling Jaya

Mary Kay Inc. is one of the largest global direct sellers of quality skin care and color cosmetics in the world. Created from one woman's desire to enrich women's live, today there are more than 1.2 million independent Sales Force worldwide.

Now, our Malaysia subsidiary experience a rapid growth in business and we are looking for highly motivated individuals who are seeking opportunity to enhance career and personal development to join our team.

Sale Force Development Supervisor
(Selangor – Petaling Jaya)


  1. Minimum Diploma holder with 4years experience in customer service and well versed with customer service functions and processes.
  2. Demonstrate strong people skills, organized , good analytical ability and sound interpersonal skills.
  3. Possess strong supervisory skill.
  4. Customer oriented with good communication skills and able to converse well in Chinese and English is a must.
  5. Candidate with experience in service oriented environment will be an added advantage.
  6. Possess presentation skill and able to emcee for special event and conduct education class.
  7. Able to work under pressure in a fast paced environment.
  8. Computer literate.
  9. Possess a good analytical skill will be added advantage.

To support, coordinate and administer all Sales Force (members) inquiries and provide coaching and mentoring for educate and the development of Sales Directors (members) .

Perform and support as an effective and positive leadership in the Sales Development Team
Responsible for supporting the needs of our Sales Force (members) in order to achieve maximum sales and sales force count growth which positively impact company profitability.
Provide coaching and develop to the team for their individual area of role and responsibility.
Effectively form a partnership with sales force(members) leadership by providing sales management counseling, motivation, recognition and educational support in their activities (include verbal and written communication) in order to assist them in achieving their goal.
Work functionally with all Independent Sales Directors(members) to ensure their continued movement on the career path to expand the sales force (members) leader count.
Ensure that both the company's objectives are conveyed while representing the best interest of the sales force(members). This foster team spirit and creates a positive problem-solving environment. Ensure sales forces(members) are practicing the Mary Kay culture and golden rule.
Provides product, program, motivation and educational information to the Sales Force (members).
Effective channels of communication between the Independent Sales Directors (members) and Company to ensure they understand company programs and prompt response to their inquiries on Mary Kay career opportunity, products, program and etc related issues.
Establish a strong rapport with the sales force(members) to ensure continual feedback regarding the effectiveness of current support. Field work with sales force(members) is required.
Assisting in training programs for the Independent Sales Directors (members) and/or provide support for training conducted by the Independent Sales Directors(members) to their unit members. And assist in Company Sales Education and Special Event.
Attends unit meeting and Sales force(members) event to gain field experience and feedback.
Assists in all Company Events such as Leadership Conference, Career Conference, Red Jacket Rally and Seminar.
Manage the growth of sales force count and production.

Interested candidates are encouraged to apply online or you may email with your complete resume, salary details to hr.my@mkcorp.com.
(Only short listed candidates will be notified)

Mary Kay (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
T1-8-1, 8th Floor, Jaya 33, No. 3, Jalan Semangat, Seksyen 13, 46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Email: hr.my@mkcorp.com

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Jawatan Kosong Mary Kay (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd – <b>Petaling Jaya</b>

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 09:39 PM PDT


Jawatan Kosong di Mary Kay (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd – Petaling Jaya

Mary Kay Inc. is one of the largest global direct sellers of quality skin care and color cosmetics in the world. Created from one woman's desire to enrich women's live, today there are more than 1.2 million independent Sales Force worldwide.

Now, our Malaysia subsidiary experience a rapid growth in business and we are looking for highly motivated individuals who are seeking opportunity to enhance career and personal development to join our team.

Sale Force Development Supervisor
(Selangor – Petaling Jaya)


  1. Minimum Diploma holder with 4years experience in customer service and well versed with customer service functions and processes.
  2. Demonstrate strong people skills, organized , good analytical ability and sound interpersonal skills.
  3. Possess strong supervisory skill.
  4. Customer oriented with good communication skills and able to converse well in Chinese and English is a must.
  5. Candidate with experience in service oriented environment will be an added advantage.
  6. Possess presentation skill and able to emcee for special event and conduct education class.
  7. Able to work under pressure in a fast paced environment.
  8. Computer literate.
  9. Possess a good analytical skill will be added advantage.

To support, coordinate and administer all Sales Force (members) inquiries and provide coaching and mentoring for educate and the development of Sales Directors (members) .

Perform and support as an effective and positive leadership in the Sales Development Team
Responsible for supporting the needs of our Sales Force (members) in order to achieve maximum sales and sales force count growth which positively impact company profitability.
Provide coaching and develop to the team for their individual area of role and responsibility.
Effectively form a partnership with sales force(members) leadership by providing sales management counseling, motivation, recognition and educational support in their activities (include verbal and written communication) in order to assist them in achieving their goal.
Work functionally with all Independent Sales Directors(members) to ensure their continued movement on the career path to expand the sales force (members) leader count.
Ensure that both the company's objectives are conveyed while representing the best interest of the sales force(members). This foster team spirit and creates a positive problem-solving environment. Ensure sales forces(members) are practicing the Mary Kay culture and golden rule.
Provides product, program, motivation and educational information to the Sales Force (members).
Effective channels of communication between the Independent Sales Directors (members) and Company to ensure they understand company programs and prompt response to their inquiries on Mary Kay career opportunity, products, program and etc related issues.
Establish a strong rapport with the sales force(members) to ensure continual feedback regarding the effectiveness of current support. Field work with sales force(members) is required.
Assisting in training programs for the Independent Sales Directors (members) and/or provide support for training conducted by the Independent Sales Directors(members) to their unit members. And assist in Company Sales Education and Special Event.
Attends unit meeting and Sales force(members) event to gain field experience and feedback.
Assists in all Company Events such as Leadership Conference, Career Conference, Red Jacket Rally and Seminar.
Manage the growth of sales force count and production.

Interested candidates are encouraged to apply online or you may email with your complete resume, salary details to hr.my@mkcorp.com.
(Only short listed candidates will be notified)

Mary Kay (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
T1-8-1, 8th Floor, Jaya 33, No. 3, Jalan Semangat, Seksyen 13, 46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Email: hr.my@mkcorp.com

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